
Hear about some Basketball related thoughts.

  • Tips For Playing Ballbrains

    Victor (Ballbrains) Here are some ideas that can help you guess who the player is, hopefully faster. Remember – It’s a game, so please have fun! 1 | Determine if the Player was a Star, Starter or Role Player. Usually the Points, Rebounds and Assists tell you a lot about the player’s contribution to their……

  • The Ups and Downs of the Denver Nuggets’ Franchise

    The Denver Nuggets, the 2023 NBA Champions have a rich and storied franchise history. Throughout their existence, the Nuggets have experienced both remarkable highs and disappointing lows. From unforgettable playoff runs to challenging rebuilding periods, the Nuggets’ journey has been filled with exciting moments and talented players who have left an indelible mark on the……

  • The Indispensable Value of Role Players in Basketball Teams

    Basketball, the game we know and love, often shines the spotlight on star players who dazzle fans with their exceptional skills. While these superstars rightfully receive a significant portion of the attention, the importance of role players in a basketball team should not be underestimated. In fact, the real reasons basketball teams need good role……